Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Since the Texas weather is completely unbearable (in my opinion) I decide to spend a little bit of time updating my lonely blog.

I spent the first of my summer in NEW YORK with fellow fashion design students, grads, and professors. It was extremely memorable and truly opened my eyes to the fashion industry in NY. There are so many amazing opportunities for unpaid internships. I wish I had enough money to assure myself I could go to NY and find an internship, but I am not sure if that is what God has in store for me. This trip also made me realize how I can get a plethora of jobs in the fashion industry using my BFA. I kept a journal while traveling in NY and took notes on each designers company and how they operated. We also spent the first night mingling with a large group of alumni (all which had amazing stories to tell of how they got where they are today). The trip was completely inspiring.

At the end of the day, I am STILL confused on where I want to go. Of course, I know what I aspire to do when I am financially able to start up my own company. The question remains: Where do I start? Do I want to get up and leave Dallas and head north? Or do I want to stay local and find internships/jobs here? I fully take into account my family, my friends, and (cheesy as it sounds) my boyfriend. I will continue to weigh the options as I pray during the next and final year of college. Which BTW is TERRIFYING yet EXHILARATING!

I have been struggling to find a job locally that pertains to my major that will help me pay all these bills.  My student loans barely cover tuition, which leaves me in a rut trying to pay for living in Denton. I left my job in Plano, because the commute was too much and very time consuming. I would be in Denton Sunday night to Thursday afternoon then commute to Plano and work Thursday night to Sunday night. Thus, I only had Monday-Wednesday to work on projects, study, and do homework. ECKKKK! So after 2 years of employment, I returned to Denton full time. I took the Spring semester completely off from work, and drastically saw an improvement in my quality of garments and work. Shame I can't continue to be jobless. I now work part-time at a completely unrelated job, BUT they allow me to work from home and it's only on the weekends with GREAT pay. Yet, the search still continues to pick up another job for more income that is FASHION (not retail) related.

I am also undergoing a much needed trip into healthy and well living. Fresh produce every day. Calorie counting. Workout routine. AND daily devotional. Here's to hoping I can continue down this path for years to come.

Ultimately, I wanted to share this AMAZING company I stumbled upon this morning when Patrick (the boyfriend) and I were shopping for new eye glasses. WARBY PARKER! This is a company that makes eye and sun glasses that each cost $95. The website is terrific. Every pair of glasses has multiple views, a model wearing them, virtual try on (where you upload your photo), AND a free 5 pair Home try on! The most important thing is they are a ONE-FOR-ONE company! NOT ONLY THAT, but they go out and train the locals to sell those said glasses to help them not become co-dependent on charity. I almost fainted... I am in love with this company. Their story is very original, and their styles are retro infused. They also are almost always hiring. Of course, the closest location is Oklahoma City... This is definitely a company I will share with my family and friends. Patrick and I will be receiving our Home try on trials this week. I am very excited!

Live it. Preach it. Love it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Break 2012!

DSQUARED2 S/S 2012 Campaign 

I am not sure about everyone else, but I have definitely been counting down the days until Spring Break! This Spring Break is extra special to me because it is the very first break from school since 2005 that I have not had to work! Hallelujah for that. Hopefully, everyone else will also have a bit of down time to relax, take in some rays, read a book, take a walk, catch up on those pesky errands, and by the looks of it... CLEAN YOUR ROOMS (please do so). 
"My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be.  No one else cares.  Why should you?"~Erma Bombeck
This Spring Break I am going camping with friends in Austin. I grew up camping and fishing with my family and grandparents all the time. It was a great time in my life that helped me appreciate the outdoors and grow closer to my family. That is completely impossible to do now, but the memories will always be with me. I have not camped with friends before, so this is definitely a first. Naturally, the first thought that came to my mind is... what in the world am I going to wear?! Of course, right? I began to scramble through my overflowing closet only to find that I haven't a clue if it was possible to have chic sportswear clothes to wear and possibly get down and dirty in. Thus, my research had begun. I have searched high and low for inspirations to make sure that no matter what we may be doing this spring break, we will most definitely be the most trendy students around.  

Alexander Wang S/S 2012 (style.com)
Great idea for a ski or winter escape outfit!
Lacoste S/S 2012 (style.com)
Chic loungewear

Michael Kors S/S 2012 (style.com)
Amazing swimsuit cover up idea

3.1 Phillip Lim S/S 2012 (style.com)
Great night out on the town outfit

BCBG S/S 2012 (style.com)
Reminds me of cruise attire

Ohne Titel S/S 2012 (style.com)
Bit of sophisticated fun

Pedro Lourenco S/S 2012 (style.com)
LOVE the warm colors in this

Y-3 S/S 2012 (style.com)
Perfect translation of SPORTSwear

City Affair

Ski Adventure

Chic Outdoors

Bohemian Beach

Town Escape

Boutique Hunting

So where ever you decide to go this Spring Break (staycation or vacation) enjoy it in style. I know I most certainly will. 
The countdown continues 6 days until SB2012!

Nina Garcia's opinion of NY Fashion Week for S/S 2012.

Live it. Preach it. Love it.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

UNT Fashion Design Program REQUIREMENT: love running around like a chicken with its head cut off

AHHH, yes the lovely "studio" of mine stays frequently flooded with fabric, random threads, sketches, zippers, buttons, pattern pieces, feathers, beads, energy drinks, cups of coffee... YOU name it.. it's in my "studio". Unfortunate for me, my limited fiances means this "studio" encompasses our living room, dinning room, hallway, my bedroom, and the abundant use of closet space. This burden is now shared by my loving roommate and best friend of... (counting fingers) almost 15 years. She is the one that has to deal with the random remnants of projects past and present, along with the massive about of space I currently take up (anddd... maybe the frequent outbursts of pain and frustration). None the less, here are the things I am actually able to accomplish in the "studio"...

Here is my current bustier top for my Dallas Career Day competition garment.
Made from synthetic texturized leather with detailed piecing and topstitching and bright blue lining.

The waistband of the slacks to go along with the bustier and blouse for Dallas Career Day.
Soon this will actually be attached to some slacks.

This is where it all begins, my massive pile of WWD.
Must keep myself educated and inspired at all times!

Sketches for competition garments.

Prime example of how much space my projects take up...
in our living room. :/ Sorry bestie

ANNNNND.. the floor of the living room.
Current pieces of soon to be slacks.

This is where all the magic happens.
Currently sewing the synthetic textured leather piping details of the slacks.
Completed lined wool jacket and outfit combo for
Dallas Career Day Competition. 

AHHH, the lovely time I spent hand stitch feathers for my Go Red dress.
We had feathers all over the apartment, our clothes, and visitors for weeks following.

The front of my Go Red dress.
(how it should have been presented down the runway)

The back of my Go Red dress.
(also how it should have been presented)
There is always something to be working on in my "studio". I constantly feel in over my head, but love doing what I do. I will reap the benefits of my dedication later in life. Now back to sewing some slacks and a blouse.
Live it. Preach it. Love it. <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Year. New Dreams. New Fashions.

 Each year fashion trend analysts study the fashions of the runway and try to interpret what they believe will be popular colors, styles, silhouettes, and fabrics. Usually I'd leave this job to the professionals (plus they get paid for their opinion), but here is my opinion on trends for 2012... for FREE!
This is my story board for Spring/Summer 2012. We will see a strong emphasis on turquoise, coral, lime, kelly green, and some navy.  The silhouettes will be very form fitted for an hourglass shape or long and flowy for a beachy feel. Fabrics will be soft, smooth, and light weight. There will also be some tribal prints.

My favorite Spring/Summer 2012 RTW fashion shows:
This is my story board for Fall/Winter 2012. We will see a strong emphasis on rich, deep, victorian colors.  The silhouettes will be long and straight with emphasis on small waists. Fabrics will be rough, raw, leather, and texturized. Raw unfinished fabrics with popular embroidery will be contrasted with clean silhouettes. Knits will also have a strong hold on the upcoming styles.
My favorite Fall/Winter 2012 RTW fashion shows:

Now that you have seen my insight on 2012 I am in need of YOUR opinion. Did you like one storyboard more than the other? Or maybe, you believe something else should be included? What ever it may be I'd love to hear it. Leave me a comment!

Live it. Preach it. Love it.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Live it. Preach it. Love it..."Eco-Friendly"

Possibly my choice of most influential event for 2012 fashion trends is wishful thinking more than anything. But the idea makes me feel hopeful for our future. Of course, my big belief lies in the root of One-For-One business plans across all branches of business, not just fashion.
TOMS was one of the first and most influential companies to term the title “One-For-One”. Blake Mycoskie is one of my biggest and most influential role models. Not only did he start TOMS from the ground up, but he is an amazing man with a beautiful heart. Recently I have seen a rise in the number of business advertisements stating they also have a One-For-One business plan. This absolutely warms and touches my heart because that is EXACTLY what I want to do with my future and I feel it is my calling in life to do just that. BUT as much I wanted to make this topic work, this weeks post I need an event in 2012 that influences fashion consumers… so it is time to branch off into the real subject.

Sticking with the same general concept there has been a rise in Eco-friendly and vegan consumerism for a few years now. TrendWatching.com has a great list of what to come in 2012, so I decided to pick from there (since they are the professionals and all). I loved the idea of “eco-cycology”. Recycling has always been on the rise, but in 2012 there is a new idea of brands actually taking back their products and recycling them in some way.
 ECO-CYCOLOGY mentality is more than a just brand-led phenomenon; realizing its importance, various cities or states in US (San Diego, Seattle and San Francisco to name a few) have enacted their own mandatory recycling laws. Likewise, The European Parliament has voted for tougher regulations on the disposal of electronic trash, requiring each country to collect 4 kilos of e-waste per citizen by 2012, and to process 85% of all its electronic waste by 2016.” -TrendWatching.com
Nike Reuse a Shoe
Nike has always been the company on top of their game for new business trends. They started the idea of reuse a shoe way back in 1990, but more companies are starting to do the same general idea.

Patagonia, US outdoor brand, has a Common Threads Initiative program where when any of their products have reached the end of its “life” the consumer can then return it to them for recycling into a new fiber of fabric.

Garnier also has a recycling program for all their beauty packaging. The consumer would be rewarded with points or money in doing so, and Garnier would pay for all the return fees via UPS.

Dell has a partnership with Goodwill Industries so consumers can bring back any of their equipment to Goodwill. Goodwill then can refurbish it or recycle it. It is called Dell Reconnect.

Preloved is a company based in Canada that uses left over textiles from the cutting mills and creates beautiful garments to be sold and worn.

Some fashion designers who have also jumped on the bandwagon and found a way to recycle textiles and other goods are:

I do not think recycled fashion has to LOOK recycled, and that's the movement I see coming in 2012. It is not only because of laws being placed against the amount of textiles not recycled, but because I know as consumers we want to make this world a better place. Again, maybe it is wishful thinking to say this will be the number one trend in 2012, but wouldn’t that be amazing? My opinion of the future is companies and designers linking the consumer with hands on ways to make a difference in this world for the better.
Will you help us join the good cause? Will you reuse and recycle your goods and clothes when possible? Will you be the next designer to help make the fashion world eco-friendly?

We can make a difference. Live it. Preach it. Love it. 
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, January 30, 2012

Trend Spotting in Denton 2012

When roaming around Denton it is rare that I find someone that truly blows me away with their attire (other than my fellow fashion design peers). Most students on campus dress in what I like to call college comfort wear. There, of course, are always a few in some ridiculous "outfits" (if you can call them that) such as pajamas, leggings with a t-shirt, shorts and Ugg boots in winter, wife beaters and baggy basketball shorts, and the notorious head to toe university (some not even UNT) attire. BUT today we are going to try to focus on a few people who attempt to step out of that comfort box and maybe, possibly, somehow be fashionable.
I love the textures in this photo with the fur and the oversized sweater. Gorgeous ladies!

Jeans and layered riding boots are a classic in my book. In love with the cognac color.

One reason to love Denton/Texas is when you can wear shorts and sandals in January.
I love the idea of a casual over the shoulder purse to pull together their looks.

The composition of this photo is what made me love it. To me it screams DENTON.
[Jeans, chucks, tee, and suede suit jacket]
Reading a book and drinking coffee by the square.

Super interested in the cardigan and boot look.
Navy and white nautical stripes are always classic.
And again, another sighting of cognac boots. <3

Of course, skinny jeans are a must in everyones wardrobe, but I admired her cropped jeans.
As well as the top with the loop tie and buttons.
Sunglasses and beanies are a must in Denton.

Easy and simple look to make a guy feel pulled together.
[chucks, jeans, and a plaid button up]

This girl was adorable!
All the different layers come together to complete her own style.
Of course, I love her boots!

This is the basic Denton grunge look.
Sport culture shoes, pants, t-shirt, and hoodie.
Definitely casual and easy to dress on the go.
It is a bit hard for me to find inspiration in Denton. I usually lean more towards professional attire, so I love driving to Dallas and walking around the malls there. I definitely think the aesthetics of Denton can still be inspiring to others who look for that quirky, casual, layered look. Sometimes Denton reminds me of DSQUARED2.

Some similar styles seen in the fashion/celebrity world...
Ashley Olsen in cropped black skinnys and TOMS.

Black Lively and co-star Leighton Meester in tights, knee highs, boots, and a plaid mini.

Normal celebrity grunge attire.

Nautical Old Navy cardigan seen in advertisement. 

Chucks, jeans, and a plaid tee seen on Ruud Gullit.

Hugh Grant in a classic suede blazer.
Oversized sweater in LA.
Cameron Diaz in Cognac riding boots.
AnnaLynne McCord in shorts and bright colors with over the shoulder bags.

Until next time... keep it classy Denton!